
Semiconductor market news(May. 27 to Jun. 02)丨Adata remains bullish about DRAM prices in 2H24; Marvell earnings display big AI revenue boost, but other areas still challenged…

01. Adata remains bullish about DRAM prices in 2H24

    Despite a short-term correction in spot market prices for DRAM memory, contract prices will continue to rise in the second half of the year, according to memory module manufacturer Adata Technology.

    02. Global foundry market share ranking in Q1 2024

      According to the latest report released by Counterpoint, global foundry industry revenue in the first quarter of 2024 fell by 5% month-on-month, but increased by 12% year-on-year. Counterpoint said the revenue decline in the first quarter was not only affected by seasonal factors, but also by slowdown in demand for non-artificial intelligence (AI) semiconductors such as smartphones, consumer electronics, Internet of Things, automotive and industrial fields.

      03. Samsung union calls first ever strike after pay negotiations stall

        The Nationwide Samsung Electronics Union (NSEU) said on Wednesday during a press conference streamed on its official Youtube channel that its 28,000 members — just under a quarter of the company’s total workforce in the country — would strike on June 7, following failed negotiations over pay and bonus arrangements.

        04. Marvell earnings display big AI revenue boost, but other areas still challenged

          Marvell Technology Inc. rode artificial-intelligence demand to strong growth in its data-center business for the most recent quarter, but shares fell in the extended session as other businesses continued to report pressure.

          Data-center end-market revenue rose 87% from a year before, Marvell said. That compares with a 54% year-over-year growth rate seen in the fiscal fourth quarter.

          Chief Executive Matt Murphy called out “the start of a ramp in our custom AI programs complementing our substantial base of electro-optics revenue.”

          The AI momentum outweighed some pressure in more traditional businesses, with the other segments besides data-center all showing declines.

          05. South Korea's chip stockpiles shrink at fastest pace in 10 years

            South Korea's semiconductor inventories dwindled by the most since 2014, underscoring the pace at which demand is outstripping supply as customers rev up their purchases of devices needed to develop artificial intelligence technologies.

            Data-center end-market revenue rose 87% from a year before, Marvell said Thursday afternoon. That compares with a 54% year-over-year growth rate seen in the fiscal fourth quarter.

            Chief Executive Matt Murphy called out “the start of a ramp in our custom AI programs complementing our substantial base of electro-optics revenue.”

            The AI momentum outweighed some pressure in more traditional businesses, with the other segments besides data-center all showing declines.

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