
The global power management integrated circuit (PMIC) market size was $32.9 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $56.2 billion by 2031. It is predicted that the CAGR from 2023 to 2031 is 6.3%. China’s PMIC market size is also gradually expanding. With the development of downstream electronic equipment industry, the demand for PMIC is growing and the market size will continue to grow in the future reaching 85.138 billion yuan by the end of 2023.

We summarizes that the global PMIC market, and the lead time of mainstream manufacturer and the downstream application market, aiming to reveal the global PMIC market for readers, so that readers have an deeply insight into the dynamics market and can provide reference suggestions for business.

1. PMIC Overview

1.1 PMIC Market Overview

The global power management integrated circuit (PMIC) market stood at US$ 32.9bn in 2022 and is expected to reach US$ 56.2 Bn by 2031, expanding at a CAGR of 6.3% between 2023 and 2031.

In recent years, China’s PMIC market has maintained a growing trend, and the market size is about 76.3 billion yuan in 2021, Year-over-year increase of 2.69%.In 2022, the market size is about 81.065 billion yuan, and with the growth of demand for power management chips in the development of the electronic equipment industry, the future market size will continue to grow, and the market size is expected to reach 85.138 billion yuan in 2023.

Asia Pacific is anticipated to account for the largest market share between 2023 and 2031. The region held 36.9% share of the global market in 2022. Presence of several end-use industries is likely to drive industry growth in the region in the near future.

North America accounted for 29.8% share in2022. Rapid industrialization and growth in the automation sector are boosting PMIC market development in the region.

The PMIC market is relatively robust, accounting for about 40% to 60% of the analog IC market share. PMIC is one of the largest market segments of analog chips and it is also widely used on integrated circuits. The PMIC market is a relatively stable market with periodic fluctuations of each segment of semiconductor market.

1.2 PMIC Product Introduction

Analog chip products are mainly divided into signal chain IC and power management IC two categories, PMIC market proportion is slightly higher than the signal chain IC about 55%.

Diagram 1:2022 Analog chip segment market share

The category of PMIC: AC/DC, DC/DC, Driver IC, Protection chip, LDO, Load switch, PMIC, Switch regulator, etc.

Chart 2: Regular PMIC Product Market Share

2. Mainstream Manufacturers

2.1 Mainstream Manufacturers Overview

PMIC chip-makers are quite diverse. The top IDM manufacturers including TI, ADI, Skyworks, Infineon, ST, Qorvo, NXP, Onsemi, Microchip, Renesas, etc.

The total market share of IDM manufacturers is 63%, while TI accounts for 22%, which is the industry leader in global PMIC market. TI’s product portfolio has the advantages of diversity, stable quality and abundant production capacity, it has great influence on the global PMIC market.

Chart 3: Mainstream PMIC Manufacturers’ Market Proportion

2.2.1International Manufacturers

The global industry is fragmented, with the presence of several players including Infineon, Microchip, Renesas, ST, TI and so on.