The world's leading HYBRID distributor of

Electronic Components

Depend prioritizes quality and is committed to providing you with comprehensive electronic component solutions, helping you address various challenges in the supply chain.

Our Advantages

  • Global Procurement Services

    Depend has established a professional and experienced procurement team, deeply collaborating with global suppliers. Our sources primarily come from large EMS factories worldwide and authorized distributors. We continuously control the quality of goods from all suppliers, offering professional and efficient solutions for the diverse component procurement needs of end-user companies.

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  • SSTDP Operation System

    Depend SSTDP is a quality assurance framework developed for counterfeit prevention. It combines industrial leading test standards and methods with sustained growth of database, we continuously optimizing the quality initiatives we've promoted over the years with best practices across the industry. 

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  • QA Centre

    The Depend Quality Assurance (QA) Centre was designed by the Foxconn Testing and lnnovation Center, equipped with advanced high-precision testing equipment,and established a professional quality engineering team in the industry. We ensure that each electronic component is qualified and reliable through rigorous testing and evaluation.

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About Depend

Depend is a hybrid electronics component distributor, which is committed to provide comprehensive electronic components supply chain solutions for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), Electronic Manufacturer Service(EMS) providers and Design Houses. Depend was established in 2012, and has approximately 150 employees at 6 facilities for procurement, sales, quality, logistics, and marketing departments in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Brazil, Singapore, Japan and South Korea.

  • 30+ Countries

    Business Distribution

  • 1 Billion+ Pcs

    Quantity Shipped

  • 800+

    Line Cards

  • 150+

    Staff on Active Duty

About Depend